Good morning, readers! It’s another nail art week with The Digit-al Dozen and the theme for this week is Autumn. I don’t typically grab “autumn colors” when I paint my nails so …
The Digit-al Dozen DOES Re-creation, Day 5: Vintage Roses.
Good afternoon, readers! I have the final mani for Re-creation Week with The Digit-al Dozen to share with you today. I had such a hard time narrowing down which manis …
The Digit-al Dozen DOES Re-creation, Day 4: Stained Glass Nail Art!
Good afternoon, readers! I hope you are enjoying Re-creation Week with The Digit-al Dozen as much as I am! The ladies have re-created some amazing manis and I’m having a …
The Digit-al Dozen DOES Re-creation, Day 3: Rainbow Ikat!
Good afternoon, readers! My third re-creation look for this special Digit-al Dozen week was inspired by Hannah from The Dalai Lama’s Nails! Her original design was from way back in …
The Digit-al Dozen DOES Re-creation, Day 2: Spiral Staircase!
Good morning, readers! Are you ready for another Re-creation Week mani with The Digit-al Dozen? Today’s post was inspired by the fabulous Laurie from Dressed Up Digits! Laurie always has …
The Digit-al Dozen DOES Re-creation, Day 1: Lord of the Rings!
Good morning, readers! Today begins an exciting Digit-al Dozen Week! It’s our 3rd anniversary and we are re-creating previous DD manis from our members! I’m starting out with one of my …