The Digit-al Dozen DOES Countries and Cultures, Day 1: The Shire, Middle Earth.

In Digit-al Dozen, Nails by Jacki26 Comments

It’s time for another nail art week with The Digit-al Dozen! This month’s theme is Countries and Cultures, and I’m working on them each morning so I have no idea how this week will go. For today’s post, I was inspired by the fictional “country” called The Shire found in Middle Earth (from The Lord Of The Rings/The Hobbit). The Shire is where the Hobbits live in their little Hobbit-hole homes built into the hills. This is my interpretation of a Hobbit home, complete with fuzzy flocking powder grass!

Here is a Google Image from Trip Advisor of the Hobbit house that Bilbo and Frodo lived in (did you know that you can take a tour of the set!?)

I knew that the flocking powder would be the highlight of this mani, so I didn’t get too detailed on the home, but I still love how it turned out! I painted on the entire manicure and then used Seche Vite top coat to seal it in. Then, I went back in with some non-quick dry top coat and painted it only where I wanted to have the “grass” and followed my Velvet Nails Tutorial to get the fuzzy look.

We had a Hobbit marathon recently, and then yesterday we watched Return Of The King so I was in a Middle Earth mood for these nails. What do you think? Have you tried flocking powder for nail art? Thanks so much for reading, I can’t wait to figure out what will be on the blog tomorrow.

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– Let’s paint something amazing! –


  1. Cindi O

    That is the cutest mani. I love the flocking powder for grass. It has a wonderful effect and it looks sparkly too. I tried flocking powder once but the first time I washed my hands, it lost a lot of the fuzzy and the effect.

    1. Author

      Thank you! I've done flocking powder a handful of times and the best advice I can give for it to last through washes is to apply to VERY WET polish, preferably not-quick drying. Then press down into the polish and let it sit a while before brushing off the excess. When I've worn them as full manicures fuzzy nails in the past, they stayed over 24 hours with washing included.

    1. Author

      thanks!! It really made the mani 100% better with the fuzz. I wasn't loving them prior to that step. YAY for textures!

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