Progrids: Making Money From Your Blog!

In Nails, Progrids by Jacki5 Comments

Are there any fellow beauty and fashion bloggers out there reading this? Wouldn’t it be nice to earn a little extra cash from your blog without doing anything different than your normal blogging? Well, you can! I’m going to talk to you about a company I’ve been working with for about two months called Progrids

Progrids is essentially a dynamic widget that you install on your blog that shows tailored products at the bottom of each of your posts. Then, you get paid a little bit for each time someone in the US clicks on one of the product ads. You may have noticed these “grids” of 5 products below my blog posts for the past two months. (You should see one at the bottom of this very post as well!).
The products in the ads are relevant to your content, and the widget blends in with your overall theme on your blog. You can customize how many products show up and a few other things in the 5 minutes it takes to make your widget and install on your site.
As a stay at home mom, I don’t have personal income from outside of the house so this gives me a little play money if I’ve had my eye on a new polish collection coming out soon! The widget is 100% free to publishers and they have reporting so you can see how much money you’ve earned so far that month. 
I’m fairly new to monetizing my blog, but this has been one of the easiest ways to make a little extra money while still doing my normal posts. 
If you are interested in learning more, go check out how you can become a publisher with Progrids
*This post was sponsored by Progrids and written with my honest opinion.

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– Let’s paint something amazing! –


    1. Author

      It's all fashion and beauty related. I'm pretty sure it picks up words in your posts. I don't usually post about things other than nails but I've seen other beauty products on my posts. It's not exclusive to nail polish.

    2. Author

      As you can see on my post earlier today of beach ball nails, i'm getting some "beach ball" jewelry charms showing up, if that makes sense.

  1. S R Jakey

    Believe it or not, you create some cash on the internet while you rest. If you have a residual income, free money system don't have to put any attempt into it. For example, you could create a community and average it every day for an time as the ads increase your profits.

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