Octonauts Nail Art!

In Elevation Polish, nail art, Nails by Jacki14 Comments

Good morning, readers! If you follow me on instagram (@adventuresinacetone), you saw a sneak peek of these nails weeks ago. I’m just now getting around to posting them on the blog for you.

I really challenged myself with this mani! It’s been a long time since I’ve done intricate nail art on my right hand, and it’s been forever since I’ve actually shown that hand on Adventures In Acetone. For one, it takes a lot longer and I hold my breath most of the time that I’m doing the nail art on that hand. Secondly, it is awkward to take pictures of that hand! Hard to hold the camera and hold the bottle, etc.

But, here we are! One of the favorite kid shows in our house is The Octonauts on Disney Jr. There are 8 main characters on the show so I knew I would have to do all 8 if I did Octonaut nails. The fact that even my one year old got super excited pointing and touching my nails made it worth it!(click here to see The Octonauts if you have no idea what show I’m talking about.)

My base is Elevation Dykh-Tau, a pretty seaglass holo. The characters are all done using polish, dotting tools, striper and detail brushes. I’ve topped it off with HKGirl top coat, no smearing!




And for an awkward pic that my hubby took for me that makes my right hand look ENORMOUS..lol:

Here are the close ups of each character:
Captain Barnacles Bear


Kwazzi Kitten


Peso Penguin


Shellington Sea Otter


Dashi Dog


Tweak Bunny


Professor Inkling Octopus


Tunip the Vegimal

What do you think? I loved these and wore them for days until they chipped. It was a fun challenge and turned out to be one of my favorite nail art manis I’ve done. Thanks for reading!


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– Let’s paint something amazing! –


  1. Maile

    Adorable! You really have attention to detail! Both hands are awesome and beautifully photographed! <3

  2. Ariadne

    Dane just declared them "OOOHHHHH!!! AWESOME!!!"

    I'm totally jealous and must build up to your skill level and attempt these myself! 🙂

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