Good morning, readers! It’s restock day for Elevation Polish fans! I have a comparison post for you today with 4 similar Elevations that I have in my stash!
1 is a Llarowe Exclusive so you will have to go there to grab one, 1 is part of last month’s Small Batch Prototypes so you won’t be able to grab that one either, but the other 2 are available at the restock!
*The polishes in this post were from my own stash, and not sent as PR.
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– Let’s paint something amazing! –
These are all gorgeous!! One of my all-time favourite colours!!
Malaspina Glacier is gorgeous, but I also love the grey glitter in Cotopaxi! Mmmm grey glitter <3
One of my favorite shades! Thanks for the comparison
Those shades are all wonderful. And I had a hard time choosing which one I like best. But I guess I will go for the last one. I love that it is vibrant-coloured and it is simple.