Flowery Water Marble!

In China Glaze, Milani, Nails, OPI by Jacki49 Comments

Good morning! It’s been a long time since I’ve done a water marble and I decided to try again last night.  It’s pretty time consuming, at least 30 minutes a hand for me including clean up, which is why I don’t do it that often. I have to admit, though, that I love the results of a successful water marble even taking the time into account.

I need to figure out new designs to do with water marbling because this is my “default” design. I even did a tutorial on it a while back, so check it out here!

I can’t say enough good things about Milani White on the Spot. I always do a base color of white nails before dipping into the water marble to make the thin layers of color pop. Milani White on the Spot is a one coat white and it was so nice to use for water marbling as a base! No more 2-3 coats of white and waiting for them to dry before doing the water marble design.

I used:
Orly Nail Defense
1 coat of Milani White On The Spot
Watermarbled with:
OPI Alpine Snow
China Glaze Custom Kicks
China Glaze Traffic Jam
China Glaze Secret Peri-wink-le
Top coat of Cult Nails Wicked Fast
I love how the Secret Peri-wink-le turned more purple toned because it was marbled next to the pink! What do you think? I only had to redo 2 nails out of all 10 so I call that a success! Also, I find that for me, taping around the nail causes air pockets between the edge of the nail and the tape and the design doesn’t always stick to the sides of the nail. So I went with no tape this time and just did the cleanup with qtips and acetone after. Thanks for reading!

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– Let’s paint something amazing! –


    1. sam

      if you put Vaseline or any oil base the polish wont stick and it wont take you that long to clean off or around your fingers!!!!

  1. Danielle

    so jealous. i've been marbling forever it seems and mine never look like this. congrats on a fantastic mani.

  2. JinJit

    It is really pretty! I love your color combo and those "default" designs are super pretty IMO!!
    I tried water marble twice in my life, and I am scared to death from the cleaning part LOL
    But if you said it took 30 min cleaning included…. I might give it a shut again ;-))

  3. oKayeAmy

    This is so amazing! If you read this, I would love it if you could check out my most recent attempt and give me some pointers possibly?

    1. Jacki

      Thanks, yes as I wrote it makes weird air pockets on the side of the nail design so this makes a smoother finish for me. Thank goodness for 100% acetone!

  4. KawaiiKagura

    These are seriously stunning, you have some amazing aim! I can't even line things up like that when I needle marble haha.

  5. Lenny

    Been seeing a lot of water marble posts lately.. maybe it's time for me to give it a chance again.. LOL
    yours are lovely!!

  6. Elizabeth

    Very pretty, Jacki! Love the flowery pattern, and the colour combo is so bright and refreshing too. 🙂

  7. Saima's Salon

    I keep meaning to try one too. I was thinking of using vaseline to protect my skin rather than tape as I've seen it suggested before and it would definitely make clean up easier if you didn't want to use tape x

  8. Butterdaisy

    So beautiful. I am all into water marble designs and konadicures ever since I discovered both techniques. So fun to do!

  9. BizzyGirl

    This is stunning! I just did some water marbling yesterday and it never turns out as amazing as I picture it to be. Yours is flawless.

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