Good morning, readers. This will be my last post here on Adventures In Acetone, or at least the last one for a while. I am not really sure if I’ll ever come back, but I didn’t want you wondering why I just vanished one day. 5+ years of blogging is a long time. I’ve recently noticed that I don’t find joy in spending hours swatching/photographing/editing/posting or even doing nail art like I used to. When it starts to feel more like a job and less like a hobby, it’s time to step away.
I started Adventures In Acetone when my husband was deployed. It was a way to take up some of that time alone and a way to connect with others that enjoyed doing nail art. Over the past 5 years, we’ve grown into a family of two kids and my husband is no longer in the army. Both of my kids are in school now, and I really thought I would love the quiet house to get nail work done during the few hours to myself each weekday. However, what used to be an escape for “mommy time” while the kids would be playing began to feel like a waste of time when I could finally do anything without toting the kids along with me. The last thing I feel like doing after dropping the kids off at school is to go home and sit at my nail desk. I would rather run any errands KID FREE for the first time in 8.5 years, stroll around Target with a Starbucks drink without rushing through as quickly as possible, binge watch Supernatural on Netflix, or finally pull out those expensive colored pencils and endless adult coloring books that I just had to have but never had enough free time to use.
Life changes. Priorities change. “Me time” changes.
I’ve worked with some amazing brands over the years and I am really thankful that they’ve allowed me to share their products with all of you. I’m also thankful that all of you have taken the time to come visit my blog, check out my Facebook page or Instagram. Thank you for trying my tutorials, commenting, and being inspired. It’s been a great ride, but I’m ready for something else.
I’ll still be posting occasionally on Instagram (@adventuresinacetone) and have recently decided to start using more soak off gel polish so you may see me sharing that experience over there.
Also, I’m going to be drastically downsizing my nail polish stash so keep an eye on my Facebook and Instagram for information on MYSTERY GRAB BAGS again. They are a great way to get a lot of polish for much cheaper than individually, and the surprise of what you could unwrap is half of the fun.
Thank you,
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– Let’s paint something amazing! –
I can totally understand! You are in a different time and place than when you started blogging. Life changes and you change along with it! And I so agree – when this becomes more of a job, when it starts to feel more of an aggravation, a frustration, something you HAVE to do, when while doing it you want to be doing something else — that’s the time to let it go. Who knows, things may change again some distant time in the future, when your current family and personal life change yet again. I applaud you for recognizing and carrying out the need to re-prioritize your life! Wish you the best in all your ventures!
I’m sad to see you go but I’m happy that you’re off on brave new adventures! May the future bring you only the best of things. You will be missed.
Happy trails, lady!
Thank you for sharing your life and insights these past years. It is a huge commitment to keep up with a blog and other social media outlets. You have done an amazing job. We will miss you but family should always come first and a healthy, happy mama is essential. Enjoy your life and be blessed as you pursue it.
I’ll miss your blog, but if it feels like work rather than a hobby, I’d say it’s better to stop. Enjoy your time with your kinds and your hubby
Of course I meant kids, not kinds, that happens if you mix english and german
Thank you for some amazing art work and photos over the years. I’ve really enjoyed them and the good thing is they live on in webdom and instagram and pinterest. Good luck.
Best wishes to you and Happy Polishing! I’ve enjoyed following you here. See you on Instagram!
It’s been nice visiting the blog, but there’s no point spending time on hobbies that no longer bring you joy. I wish you the best in your future endeavors!
Have a wonderful blog free life Jacki!
A kiss from Italy
I’ll definitely miss you, but I can understand your point.
Thank you for all your wonderful nail arts and happy life!
Aww, I just happen to pass by this blog and you’re saying goodbye. I will definitely read your previous posts still. I hope you can come back from time to time. Meanwhile, enjoy your new family time!