Happy 50th Anniversary Doctor Who!

In Doctor Who, OPI by Jacki45 Comments

Good morning, readers! It’s an exciting day here in Doctor Who fandom, the big 50th Anniversary special airs in about 5.5 hours and I can’t wait!!! A bunch of us bloggers decided to do a big collaboration of manis to celebrate Doctor Who today! So don’t forget to check out the others at the bottom of my post. Spread the Doctor Who love!

I’ve tried to recreate the Exploding TARDIS painting by Van Gogh in the episoded called The Pandorica Opens.

I’ve been wanting to recreate this for a while now but was a bit intimidated, so I knew it would be the perfect mani for the big 50th Anniversary Special! Below are some google images so you can see the painting:

Screen Shot of the actual episode:
Better color accurate photo from BBC:
Alright, now that you know what I’m talking about, let’s see more pics of the entire mani!




For my right hand, I didn’t do another TARDIS, but instead just continued with the swirls so it tied both hands together.



Super awkward picture but I wanted to show my thumb haha.
So what do you think? Still deciding what to do on your nails for today’s anniversary special? Here is a collage of all of my Doctor Who inspired manis! Thanks for reading!

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– Let’s paint something amazing! –


  1. Robin

    I'm a big fan of Doctor Who and I love all your Doctor Who inspired manis! This one looks amazing, so detailed!

  2. Sarah J.

    This is awsome!I guessed, it would be the TARDIS, but I never thought you would do THIS! One of my favorite episodes ♥

    1. Author

      Thank you so much! No, only polish! I dabbed them on the work surface and let them dry a bit so it applied more in strokes and skipped instead of a solid fluid line 🙂

  3. Lauren

    WOW! This is incredible nail art! Very impressive! I hope you enjoyed the 50th episode – I loved it as much as I love your nails (which is a LOT)

  4. Gnarly Gnails

    my my my. this is probably my most favorite nail art from you ever. i mean it blew me away, i even had to stop everything i was doing and make my boyfriend stop everything HE was doing to show this to him. fantastic. just freakin' fantastic!

  5. LAB

    Wowwee, I love this. The Dr. Who nail wraps I’ve seen online don’t look this good. I can paint with my left hand but I’m hopeless with my right. How did you manage nails on both hands?

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