Turkey Nails + Tutorial!

In L'oreal, Nails, Tutorial by Jacki34 Comments

Good morning, readers!! For those of us in the US, we are less than a week away from celebrating Thanksgiving! I thought it would be fun to do a Thanksgiving themed mani for you. It was so easy that I also made up the tutorial in case anyone wanted to duplicate it for next week!

My trees in the background are starting to change colors, yay!

Do you like my turkey? LOL. It’s a little silly, but cute and I think it fits in with my other animal head designs. The color on all of my other nails is L’oreal Owl’s Night! Isn’t it gorgeous? I can’t believe I’ve had this for over a month and haven’t tried it before. 
On to the turkey tutorial:
These are the polishes I used:
Left to right: Color Club Antiquated(from the Foiled collection), OPI I’m Not Really A Waitress, China Glaze Cross Iron 360, GOSH Yellow Bombay, OPI Suzi Loves Cowboys, OPI Alpine Snow, and Wet n Wild Ink Well.
The tools used:
Striper brush, detail brush, medium dotting tool, small dotting tool(my small dotter tip actually broke off recently but it still works!).
Step 1) Paint your entire nail with Color Club Antiquated.

Step 2) Using one of your colors(I used I’m Not Really a Waitress) and your striper brush, make a feather shape that goes about 2/3 the way up your nail.

Step 3) Using your orange, red, and yellow polishes and your striper, repeat step 2 until you have the entire tail feathers.

Step 4) Using your brown and your striper brush, paint a circle head shape and a neck.

Step 5) Using white and your medium dotting tool, do two eyes.

Step 6) Using black and your small dotting tool, put small black dots in the center of the white eyes.

Step 7) Using your small detail brush and your orange, draw an upside down triangle for the beak.

Don’t forget your favorite top coat! I used Poshe.
Well, what do you think? Cute, silly? Will you try it? Thanks for reading! Keep the tutorial requests coming!!

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– Let’s paint something amazing! –


  1. Patricia Colucci

    I LOVE THIS POST!!! I'd love to share it on my blog if you don't mind. I want people to see this. Great write up and pictures. Amazing idea! I may have to try this mani myself.

    1. Jacki

      Thank you, Lauren. I only show the step by step on a fake nail since it's easier for photographing. I always paint on my real nails in the posts that you see. The fake nails stay on my "tutorial" wheel. 🙂

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